Easter Basket ideas for all ages

This post contains time-sensitive information and links to Pottery Barn Kids website.  Some items I received as a gift but all opinions are my own.

Its time to get ready for Easter. Each year I enjoy the challenge of finding unique gifts to put in the kids Easter baskets. Thank’s to  Pottery Barn Kids my crew is ready. This year I decided to stuff their Easter baskets with toys and everyday essentials that they can use.

I purchased the kids Easter Basket over 4 years ago and they are still in perfect shape. Investing in a good quality basket is the foundation to the perfect Easter Basket. I found that the size large is the perfect size for all ages. What I found over the years, it is best to have a separate basket for gifts and another basket for the Easter egg hunt. For Easter egg hunts I like these baskets because the are soft and light weight.

Each Year I get excited to see all the new Easter Basket liners form Pottery Barn Kids. Having the Easter baskets already on hand makes it easier to commit to new Easter Basket liners each year. This year I am loving the new Peter Rabbit liners.

Each year I try to avoid candy and put things in my kids Easter basket that my kids can use. This year I am updating Boyfriends room so I decided to gift him a quilt. Along with that I added the following:

  1. Stuff Animal
  2. Bunny Ears
  3. Peter Rabbit Pajamas
  4. Peter Rabbit Cookie Cutters
  5. Peter Rabbit Spatula

I also added this cute Peter Rabbit egg from Williams and Sonoma. It is filled with candy. I decided to replace the candy with crayons. I will use the candy later for Easter Day.



Rosies basket I included some items she could use for crafts and sensory play. This cute play dough kit is from Pottery Barn Kids by the Land of Dough. I also included the following:

  1. Stuff Animal
  2. Bunny Ears
  3. Peter Rabbit Pajamas
  4. Book
  5. Hair Bow

I always try to include some extra special gifts, so I just knew I had to get Rosie a new doll. Pottery Barn Kids Gotz Dolls are always the perfect gift for any occasion. The cute bunny purse is from Meri Meri.

Joelle has always been my kitchen helper, so her basket is filled with all the baking essentials. I found the cute easter press cookie cutter from Williams Sonoma along with the sugar cookie mix. Joelle’s Easter basket also has the following:

  1. Peter Rabbit Pajamas
  2. Stuff Animal
  3. Bunny Ears
  4. Hair Bows
  5. Rolling Pin


I get excited every year to celebrate Easter with my family. Our favorite traddition is baking Easter cookies. Did you notice that each kid got a item for baking. Please tell me, what is your favorite Easter tradition?




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